"Maia: The Official Illustrated Edition" Kickstarter Coming Soon!

Diamond Eyes Custom Portrait


AKA "Commission My Cat as Echo Artwork"*

This is a unique opportunity for Echo cat-loving fans. Echo is early in her series of Art Nouveau cat portraits, and has plenty of reference to choose from - but after the success of the Nyx: Goddess of Night Kickstarter with PC Cast, Echo has decided to let her fans submit their cats for portraiture. The commissioner (the cat's owner who commissions this portrait), will receive either a set of Aqueous Prints or Archival Paper: 1 at 20"x20", 1 at 10"x10", 4 at 5"x5". of the finished artwork plus a digital image to be shared on social media or background or wallpaper.

Additionally, your cat will be memorialized on my Feline Models Page

Click here to learn about my cat models.

This is, in essence, a commissioned portrait of one's cat, however it specifically gives Echo complete ownership (all rights and licenses) to the artwork. The artwork is at Echo's discretion and there is no approval process. Timeline for the complete artwork will be dependent on the number of commissions Echo receives.

(* Commission is the term for hiring an artist to create a work of art. It only includes the creation of the art, not automatically the copyright to the artwork. To purchase the copyrights to the artwork, contact Echo separately.)